Sunday, February 12, 2012

On the Road

Those who know me, know that i'm on the road often and this has been one of the stretches for me. It's been awhile since I've last blogged so I have some sharing to do. 
With a little encouragement from some friends I've decided to jump back on the boat and play catch up. 

We received some big news over Christmas from my brother and his wife
They are expecting a little one, joyous praise rang out from the Thompson household! 
Grandparents and Aunties are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new little to love!
Baby T is expected to arrive early August

I had a few house guests in January and we could not have had more fun!

Lindsey and Elizabeth are incredible women of God, I love the encouragement and time spent with them. We ate delicious food, relaxed and just had a fun time of fellowship. 

My cousin Caitlin came for a visit! She worked along side of me for 10 hours stamping post cards to send out to campers. What a blessing to have someone fun to serve with. We watched a bunch of movies and stamped away for an entire half of day! It is so encouraging to hear the blessing that those post cards have brought to kids. SpringHill Staff, your words mean so much to the campers!

I can always count on an exciting time when Cait is around, we went to Traverse City, to see some Reindeer, eat some cherries and catch up with Emma Berger! What a delight!

January and February at camp mean lots of time on the road recruiting. We went to Indiana for a week to visit, Purdue, IWU, Anderson, Taylor and Huntington.
Just a glimpse of the week I had in Indiana recruiting Summer Staff. It was a lot of testosterone, and good food! Blessed to work with these great guys!
 Highlight- Getting to spend time  with Tony and Jen and little Max man!

I was able to spend a fantastic weekend in Chicago. I did some shopping at 1/2 Priced Books, ate great food, met new people, but the best part of the weekend was spending time with Brandon. Those who are curious for more info, will have to ask :)

 I was down in Detroit last week recruiting again. I can always count on Jay and Danae to provide lots of fun and a cultural experience. We went to the  Heidelberg Project, which has a really incredible story. If you're curious about how one man made a difference in down town Detroit you should check it out! We ate out at Slows BBQ, and had an evening listening to some live Jazz. We also spent time at U of M, Michigan State, Spring Arbor, Oakland, and New Tribes Bible Institute. Lots of great conversations and sharing about camp!


It has been a busy, but incredible couple of months. I'm going to try and blog more regularly now that I'm back at home!  

1 comment:

  1. OK OK OK!!! I'll be the first to ask. WHO is Brandon my beautiful curly friend? I MISS YOU! love catching up this way....
